Within Research Center for Engineering and Management (RCEM) there are three types of members: permanent member (in the case of tenured teachers within the Management Department, FMPT), temporary member (doctoral students and master students of FMPT), associate member (researcher from outside the Management Department, FMPT). The research team consists of:

1. Permanent members

  • Director / Professor Habil. Larisa IVAȘCU - CV
  • Professor Claudiu ALBULESCU - CV
  • Professor Anca DRĂGHICI - CV
  • Professor Constantin DUMITRESCU - CV
  • Professor Habil. Eugenia GRECU - CV
  • Professor Marian MOCAN - CV
  • Professor Monica PETREA IZVERCIAN - CV
  • Professor Habil. Adrian PUGNA - CV
  • Professor Gabriela PROȘTEAN - CV
  • Professor Habil. Matei TĂMĂȘILĂ - CV
  • Associate Professor George BELGIU - CV
  • Associate Professor Andreea MIHĂRTESCU - CV
  • Associate Professor Mircea NEGRUȚ - CV
  • Associate Professor Ilie TĂUCEAN - CV
  • Associate Professor Alin ARTENE - CV
  • Lecturer Cella BUCIUMAN - CV
  • Lecturer Caius LUMINOSU - CV
  • Lecturer Șerban MICLEA - CV
  • Lecturer Sabina POTRA - CV
  • Lecturer Gabriela STRĂUŢI - CV
  • Lecturer Monica WOLFF - CV
  • Lecturer Attila TURI - CV
  • Lecturer Mihaela VARTOLOMEI - CV
  • Assistant Professor Elena BOATCĂ
  • Assistant Professor Andra DIACONESCU - CV

2. Associate members

  • Dr. Muddassar SARFRAZ  - CV
  • Delia Rozovlean
  • Ec. Simona Rus, Ph.D.
  • Prof. Arash Shahin, Ph.D.  - CV  
  • Prof. José Alberto Eguren  CV

3. Temporary members

A. Ph.D. Students

  • Ardelean Mihai
  • Balla Alexandra
  • Barmayoun Darius
  • Biholar Aurelia-Ioana
  • Bogdea Constantin Florin
  • Chincea Rebecca Ioana
  • Cisma Timea
  • Coroian Alexandra
  • Dobre Andreas
  • Făget Mădălina Floriana
  • Farcean Ioana
  • Mirea Nicoleta
  • Olenici Carina
  • Rozovlean Delia
  • Samfirescu Mircea
  • Suru Silviu Nicusor
  • Șaptebani Neta
  • Tăucean Valentina
  • Vlad Ciprian Sorin
  • Voicu Vladimir

B.  Master Students

  • Bogluț Geanina
  • Cora Sara
  • Crișan Cătălina
  • Goloșie Grațian
  • Iacab Timeea
  • Jurca Lucia
  • Kașai Roxana
  • Nemoianu Adile
  • Nistora Diana
  • Stan Nicoleta
  • Trică Oriana
  • Vlăduțescu Raluca