Registration Fee (registration until 30 September 2024):
In person
- Authors of conference papers (senior researchers, panelists) 300 EUR
- PhD and Master Students, accompanying person: 150 EUR
Online participation
- Authors of conference papers (senior researchers, panelists), PhD and Master Students: 100 EUR
The Registration fee (paid till the 30th of September 2024) shall be paid in one of the following bank accounts:
Name: “Societatea pentru Ergonomia și Managementul Mediului de Lucru” [SEMML]
Address: 300133 Timisoara, Romania, Bd. Simion Barnutiu nr. 28
Tax: Code 41801596
IBAN Euro: RO66 BACX 0000 0018 8209 1002, SWIFT code: BACXROBU, UniCredit Bank SA, Timisoara Branch
IBAN RON: RO93 BACX 0000 0018 8209 1001, SWIFT code: BACXROBU, UniCredit Bank SA, Sucursala Timisoara